Mount of Redemption

Mount of Redemption

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Word Of The Month

Theme:  HEAL ME OH LORD, AND I SHALL BE HEAL(Jeremiah 17:14).
I welcome you all into the month of September. I prophecy that in this month, the Lord shall remember all he has promise you in Jesus name (Amen).
The Israelites were the chosen people of God, but instead they live their life constantly rising and falling in their belief in God! These brought a lot of havoc to their generations. The purpose of God for them was to rule them directly, thereby he appointed judges for them, during the reign of a judge there were peace in the land, battles were won until when the judge is dead, havoc was upon the people during the absence of a judge. They resist God and say 'we want a king so we can have power like other nations'.  So they raised up Saul and say 'he is going to be our king'.  That is where we see the transition from a theocracy (serving God) in the book of Judges to a monarchy that unfolds through Saul. 39 kings were covered in the book of 1st and 2nd Kings ; the first three-Saul, David and Solomon-and then you have 36 after that; 1 and 2 Kings contain over four hundred years of Israelite history (970-560B.C).  This chronology is grouped into four segments, each ending with a major catastrophe - four major catastrophes.  The division of the twelve tribes (970-931 B.C.).  Jehu's slaughter of all but one crown prince or heir to the throne of David (931-841 B.C).  The Fall of Israel to Assyria (841-722 B.C.).  The Fall of Judah to Babylon (722-586 B.C.). Two major themes are seen in these catastrophes.  First, the rejection of Israel as God's people-Israel is rejecting God.  They are saying 'we don't want to follow you.'  They are disobeying him.  It is a gradual deterioration as we saw in Judges. The decline is heightened as the Kingdom is divided into Israel and Judah.  The second theme is the rise of the prophets who proclaim God's Word. The king was to be the agent of God's covenant.   That is the picture we see with David, however, the kings dropped the ball big time.  As a result, the prophets begin to rise up and begin to speak because the kings are disobeying God. One of the prophets was Jeremiah and these was the word of God during that time and He is bringing it to us again:
The theme as inspired from God for the month is HEAL ME OH LORD, AND I SHALL BE HEAL (Jeremiah 17:14). Jeremiah was one of the prophets of God that God uses to prepare his ways and bring the consciousness of God to His people.
"Jeremiah" basically means, "The Lord appoints" or "The Lord calls."  Jeremiah chapter 1 is a picture of God calling out to Jeremiah and saying, "I have a purpose for you and I have created you for this purpose." The time period is 626-586 B.C.  The historical setting is his prophesying during the last 40 years of Judah's history, until its destruction at the hands of Babylon.  Remember that Judah, Jerusalem and, the temple were destroyed in 586 B.C., and that is where Jeremiah ends. For 40 years, he is looking forward, looking ahead to the fact that the temple was going to be destroyed in 586 B.C. So over and over again there is a call to repent and return to covenant loyalty and to God. Prophet Jeremiah acknowledge God as the healer, He has the trust and assurance that when God heal Him, he is heal and when he save him, he is save.
According to Jeremiah, being sick does not only involve medical illness, but it extends to spiritual realm. Salvation has been extended to all nations of the earth and to every souls that including you that is reading this article. Our government has failed us, but the word of the Lord to you is that he is ready to save from the bad governance havoc you are experiencing.  Are you sick or bound physically, spiritually, academically, financially, mentally and all other facet of life! Call your father in heaven for perfect healing and freedom. Pick up your faith now and call Him for perfect healing and freedom.
I decree perfect healing and freedom in your life in Jesus name. Amen.
Have a blissful month.

Prophetess E. K. Abiodun
General Overseer.